Best Comic eBooks for Kids

Reading comic eBooks can offer you a chance to escape the real world and forget whatever you are undergoing during tough times. Comic eBooks are more fun to read when compared to regular books. Here are some comic ebooks that help your kid to be interested in reading.

El Deafo – Cece Bell

The book focuses on Cece’s childhood and how she lived with her deafness. She previously attended a school where everyone in her school was deaf. Luckily, she gets a new hearing aid and was transferred to a new school. Her experience at the new school is interesting as she can hear every single word that her classmates say. All the characters in this eBook are bunnies.

The Thunderbolt – Lori Wilde

Lacy had always had fancy stories about the legendary thunderbolt. The book has several fictions such as when Thunderbolt hits a certain place, the one true woman you love appears. Dr. Bennet believes in nothing else but science. He has no space for romantic tales in his life but when lightning strikes, she meets the woman of his dreams.

Stargazing – Jen Wang

Two sisters, Moon and Christine, grow up in a Chinese American suburb where they live as neighbors. The two are close friends who share their personal stuff. Moon starts seeing visions of illusions that try to talk to her. Christine is shocked and ends up in hospital fighting for her life.

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Funny and Surprisingly Relatable Quotes About Reading

Here is a list of some of the funniest and relatable quotes about reading books, since face it, almost every bookworm will smile, chuckle, or even laugh out loud as they read this list.

My problem with reading books is that I get distracted… by other books.

If my book is open, your mouth should be closed.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be reading. Please don’t need me.

I enjoy long, romantic walks through the bookstore…

When trouble strikes, head to the library. You will either be able to solve the problem, or simply have something to read as the world crashes down on you.

How to shop with a bookworm:

1. Enter the store
2. Keep eyes on your bookworm at all times
3. Wow ok you lost them
4. They’re gone forever now

Apparently, reading during lunch and ignoring others is considered “rude”.

Anyone who has time to clean, is not reading nearly enough.

I’m not addicted to reading. I can stop as soon as I finish the next chapter.

Bookworm problem: Laughing out loud while reading a book in public place and getting funny looks from the other people.

*Losing your bookmark in your sheets while reading in bed*

Can’t get out of bed.

Send help…

Or books!

Yeah, just send BOOKS!

The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.

Sometimes you just need to lay on the couch and read for a couple of years.

When a character does something really stupid or embarrassing, I have to close the book and breathe for a second because I can feel their embarrassment.

*That moment at 3am when you whisper to yourself, “I need to stop…” as you turn the page*

I do not want to just read books; I want to climb inside them and live there.

If you’re going to binge, literature is definitely the way to do it.

When you’re halfway through a book and come to a plot twist at 1am… I don’t need sleep! I need answers!

People who say that I’m hard to shop for must not know where to buy books.

Friend: Are you finished with this book?

Me: Physically? Yes.

Me: Emotionally? Stares into distances Never…

*That major sleep disorder you have called “Reading”.*

Just in case things get boring, I’m bringing a book.

I was the kid who got in trouble for reading past her bedtime and for reading when the teacher was talking.

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Facts About Laughing That Will Definitely Make You Smile

Get a good chuckle by reading some of this trivia about laughing.

Humans laughed before they spoke

It is believed that laughter was used as a way for humans to relate to one another millions of years before our lungs developed the strength for language. In fact, babies as young as 17 days old have been observed laughing.

Laughter is actually rarely tied to humour

Laughter plays a bonding function between individuals and it doesn’t necessarily correlate to the telling of a joke. In fact, laughter due to jokes accounts for only ten per cent of the time people laugh.

Couples who laugh together, stay together

Couples who manage stressful situations together through laughter have higher levels of relationship satisfaction and stayed together longer than couples who didn’t laugh together.

Laughter controls our brains

When you see people laugh, you smile, right? This is because your brain makes it nearly impossible not to. The premotor cortical region of the brain, which prepares the muscles in the face to move, is activated when you see people laugh.

Laughing burns more calories than you may think

Through 10 to 15 minutes of laughing a day you can burn up to 40 calories. This is because laughing increases both your heart rate and oxygen consumption.

Looking for more great humour? Then head over to today.

The books that will make every teenage reader laugh

Everybody needs a little humor in life no matter what your age. Laughter helps us feel better in all sorts of ways, whether that’s boosting your mood or just putting a smile on your face. If your teenagers love to read and laugh (who doesn’t), here are the books that will make every teenager laugh.

Laugh Tactic by Patrick King – If your someone who loves to make others laugh or would like to learn a bit of the fact behind it, here is the book to read. Laugh Tactic is full of strategies that break down and analyze all types of humor that’ll you’ll encounter in daily conversation. It’s not about becoming a stand-up comedian, but it does share great punch line, joke setups and much more.

The Last Laugh by Tracy Bloom – Jenny discovers every woman’s nightmare that her husband is having an affair. Her life was already tough with two tricky teenagers, her mother’s constant complaints, pretty bad friends and a job on a downward spiral. And now the discovery of a cheating husband. However, Jenny had had enough and vows to keep this discovery a secret. She takes her life and death in her own hands and decides to live when he was the happiest – in 1996. She plans a 90s themed party in place of a wake that she will attend. But will she be able to keep the secret?

Dinner Party by Tracy Bloom – Three couples take turns for a monthly dinner party: Beth, Sarah, and Marie with their other halves. The girls have been friends forever and now they’re all grown up with busy lives, they find the time to meet each other every month. It’s a cozy gathering with happy couples – or so they thought. One night, as someone brings a last-minute guest whose wife has just left him.

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Comedy writing is a serious business

British comedian Bob Monkhouse once used to tell a joke that went: “People used to laugh when I told them I wanted to be a comedian, well they’re not laughing now.”

That self-deprecating gag says a lot being a comedian. Although said in jest, it shows that having dreams of making a career as a comedian can often be derided and not taken seriously. After all, few people are naturally funny and many will find it harder still to turn their jokes into a whole career.

You may think that writing complex thrillers or twisty mystery books with complicated plots is the most difficult form of writing, but it is universally agreed that comedy is the hardest genre to write.

It’s about much more than slipping in a few funny lines here or there or shoe-horning in a joke whenever you feel like it.

Laughs must be earned and even the most skilled comedians who rely on quick-fire gags know that there has to be some level of preparation. Here are some key areas you need to consider to make a joke stick.


Make sure the joke you are telling fits into the overall story or subject you are talking about. If it is something people are familiar with, this may be easier, such as what’s been in the news or things people encounter in their daily lives, but you always need to provide context.

Your audience

Comedians might test their jokes out on different audiences to see what goes down well with whom. Always consider the people in front of you or the people you will be reading your material.


There’s nothing wrong a joke that’s a bit bawdy or pushes the boundaries of taste, you just need to couch it in a way that can get a laugh. If a joke is in really bad taste, you won’t be long hearing about it.

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Books That Prove Women Are Funny Too

Don’t let men steal the spotlight or try and tell all the jokes. Take a look at this list that proves women can be just as, if not funnier, than men. It may seem like an outdated opinion, but spend enough time on the internet, whether that’s browsing best of lists, or simply trying to get by on Twitter and you will start to realize that plenty of people don’t see the value in the comedy written by women. This list is a starting point for busting that myth once and for all.

Young woman laughing at a good online joke

Helen DeWitt by Lightning Rods

Proof that the shock and awe brand of postmodernism that made the likes of Chuck Palahniuk and Bret Easton Ellis famous can not only be laughed out loud funny, but feminist too. This acerbic novel with a premise ripe for satire, a vacuum cleaner salesman tries to curb sexual harassment through rather unconventional and very adult means is a brilliant satire of office politics, the American male ego, and capitalism.

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Maria Semple by Where’d You Go Bernadette

Maria Semple cut her teeth as a screenwriter for Arrested Development, arguably the finest achievement in television comedy writing. But if that wasn’t enough then Where’d You Go Bernadette is proof there are more wit and character depth in the rom-com format than one would imagine, complete with the kind of over the top absurdity one would expect from her former show.

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If you want to find more excellent comedy books by women, the best and latest in humor and satire eBooks and audiobooks can be found over at