Laugh and cry with these hilarious rom-coms

Books like Bridget Jones’s Diary show that the search for love is a rich source of humour. Here are a couple of hilarious romantic comedies which will have you laughing and crying in equal measure.

Sorry Not Sorry by Sophie Ranald

Charlotte is a good girl, but where has that got her? Not very far in her own opinion and she suddenly realizes that her quest to find love and happiness is going to need to be cranked up a bit.

Two Women Enjoying. Selective focus on brunette.

So when discovers a podcast called Sorry Not Sorry which encourages women to come out of their shells, she is hooked and decides that is the right motivation to shake her life up a bit.

Charlotte says goodbye to the lazy Netflix marathons and midnight fridge raids and embraces the bad girl in her.

Don’t You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane

Georgina and her new boss Lucas have a past – the only trouble is that he doesn’t seem to remember it.

funny cat with smile on cardboard

Georgina still clings to the words Lucas wrote to her all those years ago – I love you laugh. Since then, though, her life has been something of a rollercoaster, with more downs than ups. She had the misfortune to be sacked from the worst restaurant in the world and then found her boyfriend in bed with someone else.

But when her life throws her back into the arms – well, not quite – of her first look, things are finally looking up, right? Well, Lucas has no memory of Georgina and she’s back to square one.

Hilarious and heartwarming, this humorous tale of surviving and finding love.

Find more laughs with the humorous books from


Why Laughter Truly Is The Best Medicine

We all enjoy a good laugh, and there’s no doubting that humor can and should be a great way of making life seem a little easier. But, what you probably didn’t realize is that there are very real, very tangible health benefits to finding the funny side of things.

Under Pressure(No Longer)

High blood pressure is a great risk vector for a number of people, as well as a dangerous side effect of stress. However, researchers have demonstrated that regular laughter or exposure to comedy can, in fact, reduce blood pressure over a prolonged period of time.

Cheerful couple playing in bed

No More Negativity

This one will seem more intuitive, but it’s true that laughter can help dissipate and alleviate a number of negative emotional states such as anxiety or depression. There have been a number of different studies to have reported these findings, with leading author Bernard Saper suggesting that maintaining a sense of humor can be a positive coping mechanism in a number of different situations.

smiling beautiful cute little girl leaning on thick books

Kickstart Your Immune System

This one you may struggle to believe, but it’s backed up by serious science. Laughter can, in fact, boost your immune system and your body’s defences. One study amongst college age students found watching funny movie increased salivary IgA, and another found laughter can help increase the number of natural killer cells, a form of lymphocyte.

Whether you want to feel better or are just in the mood for something hilarious, is sure to have something that’s right up your alley with a wide-ranging selection of comedy and humor related eBooks and audiobooks.

Laughing your way to better health

We’ve all heard it said that laughter is the best medicine, and although that may not be scientifically true, having a good giggle has definite health benefits. OK, so it’s a bit of a no-brainer that laughing makes you feel better and it’s the one contagious condition you don’t mind catching.

Whoever’s job it was to study laughter obviously had a good day, but they came up with some interesting findings. For a start, laughing relaxes your body by easing muscle tension and you can feel relaxed for almost an hour after a good chuckle.

mediajist.jpgThere are long-term benefits to laughing too. It can actually help your body fight diseases by boosting your immune system. It does this by getting rid of stress hormones and building immune cells and antibodies.

Obviously, laughter puts a smile on your face, but there is a scientific reason behind this too. Giggling release endorphins, which are the chemicals which make us feel good

Laughter can make you leaner too by burning calories. Laughing for a quarter of an hour can torch as many as 50 calories. Hardly the fast track to a beach body, but, you know, every little thing helps.

Chuckling is good for your heart too and it can increase blood flow, meaning it can help battle heart disease and lower your risk of a heart attack.

There are big social benefits to laughing too as it can help bond groups together and diffuse tensions. It will also make it easier to make friends as you will appear more appealing to others.

If you are in need of a good laugh, check out some of the hilarious books at