Funny Tweets Every Parent Can Relate To

Parenting is challenging and rewarding all at the same time. And a lot of the times, it can also be very funny. Here are some totally relatable parenting tweets which will make you LOL.

Thought Experiment

If you open a candy wrapper in the middle of a forest with nobody around, how long until your children show up and ask what you’re eating? —@mommajessiec

My Quotable Kid

My four-year-old has been carrying a small notebook around all day. She opens it, writes small scribbles and quickly closes it back up. She’s calling it her “secret diarrhea.” Maybe someday I’ll correct her, but definitely not today. —@momtransparent1

Breakfast Problems

Have kids so that someone can ask you to cut up their bagel and then ask you to put it back together. —@OhioMomoftwo

Mind = Blown

My daughter woke me up at 5 a.m. to urgently tell me that “Any balloon SpongeBob blows up is technically a water balloon,” and I have not been able to fall back asleep. —@isabelzawtun

Too Clingy

Me: Mommy just needs a little space right now.

Child [perched on top of my head]: Why? —@LurkAtHomeMom

An Almost-Compliment

My daughter just asked me if I was 22. I said, “No, I’m 37.” Then she asked if I’m actually her grandma. —@UnfilteredMama

He Said, She Said

“… and then Mommy turned into a big mountain where the princess and the dragon had a party!” –My four-year-old explaining how I fell asleep in the middle of our game. —@bunandleggings

The “Why” Phase

Please respect our privacy at this difficult time while we deal with our toddler, who has just entered the “Why?” phase. —@whinecheezit

You’ve Got a Friend in Me

“You’re just like me: trash!” –My toddler, quoting Toy Story 4 to strangers on the street. —@dadthatwrites

The Horror, the Horror

Sometimes I like to live dangerously by putting ketchup on my kid’s dinner plate without asking where they would like it. —@threetimedaddy

A Day in the Life

Yesterday, my four-year-old and I painted pictures, went to the park, played house, cooked dinner together and watched a movie. Or, as she described it to her teacher: “I picked up a dead bug and mommy yelled at me.” —@stayathomies

Hosts With the Most

How my family preps for guests:

Me: *Tidies up.*

Husband: *Fires up the barbecue.*

Toddler: *Removes all clothing.* —@jannakilimnik

Goldilocks Strikes Back

Kid: My sandwich has too much peanut butter on it.

Me: *Makes new sandwich.*

Kid: This one has too little.

Me: *Makes one just right.*

Kid: I don’t like peanut butter anymore. —@mommajessiec

Over the Moon

Today my four-year-old asked me, “Daddy, does the moon have a job or does it just sit there?” —@thecatwhisprer

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